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I am stuck . I have the shovel, I cleaned the debris in  front of the doors, I spoke with the chud king about upgrading things, Ive been in the tentacle/mold room now I cant get back in. I cant find yeast anywhere and it wont let me buy the upgrades from the tree because "The sewers are outside IO's protection.....trying to get handsy." Any ideas on where to go next?

You might need a higher training level. Catherine might not be comfortable going to the sewers at here current level of experience. 

what does a chud actually  mean?

How to get the acces card for the gate in the sewer? Thats the place where you explore with tentacle chud to find cool stuff

That's for a future update.

Still stuck in the game, dont know what to do i jave tried everythin i can not continue the quest of repairing the tennis court or the gym. I know i shoul clean some of the garbage after speaking with the king but i cant do that why?

In the room with the car is a shovel.

How old of a save can the most recent update support? I have one from 0.20A and I'm wondering if I can use the saves from that version on 0.3.8b. Could I do that or not?

Never mind just looked through the update logs and found my answer. At least I wasn't that far in.

Is there a way to transfer a save file to a new version? I don't want to put in a ton of time again


On Windows you can just delete everything in the Save folder and copy everything from your old save folder. Can't help on other platforms.


I have a question ibe been playing on and off for a while now but Ive seen some of the upgrades saying "not available in this version" is it patreon exclusive or just not implemented at all yet?


Usually it just means not implemented yet. Patreon is 2 weeks ahead of the public release so there's always a chance the patreon has that area. Like the last release was the deeper sewer.

no dowload link for mac version, last update had the version, did the creator removed to fix some bugs or they forgot to put it?

Shows up on my end... is it still no there?

it was just my fault, i didn't read the files text and was guiding myself only by the images of the plataforms, it showed the linux plataform instead of the mac one, my bad

Oh no. That's my fault. I fixed the icon. Thanks for reporting it.

Unable to open on Mac. Followed the directions but still nothing

(1 edit)

cant get it to work on mac. Previous version had the same issue some of the times but now i cant even open the game

How do I play on Linux?

Deleted 26 days ago

There's the mac version not the Linux

Im having a weird bug with the tex

its very messed up

Sometimes this is the sign of a corrupt save file. Try starting a new game and seeing if it persists.

this is a new game i did this 3 times

You try re-downloading? Maybe the game was corrupt? I'll look into other possible causes...

It can also be caused by out of date video card drivers.

Deleted 26 days ago

Arcade is in the sewer. Once you get it it'll appear in the upgrade tree. 

The game over screens are all unlocked because I haven't implemented any kind of roll back function so there is no way to unlock the game over scenes in the gallery. To get the Alexa ending start by feeding the cat 3 times. Then put the camera on it in the sewer. 

Otherwise there is a lot of content in the sewer that is kind of optional and you don't find just by rising corruption.

I can't find a way to get the scene of cathrine getting unzipped in the sewers. it's the only one i'm missing, I already got all the upgrades I could both for the bar and the sewer.

I can't find a way for her to get unzipped now that I cleared the sewer

Keep interacting with all the sewer chuds till she get groped enough times to fully unzip her.

Deleted post

I played this game about 6 months or so ago and the game was pretty bare bones. thought itd be just another ero game with a good concept and good art that ultimately gets abandoned. Man was I wrong. SuccumDev has been cooking. Not just more good art content but a revamp to the game design itself since the version I last played, with the addition of brewing and a second waitress managememnt system.

Good shit.

Similar situation but I was thinking about downloading, this is very helpful. Thanks!

I'm having a issue, after exploring the sewer and talking with the chud king, he ask for help where i'm supposed to get new upgrades but they just don't appear :( is it a bug? (Sorry if My English is Bad)

Really fun. I felt like the bar management functions have a lot of potential and the brewing process was a nice touch.
I may have screwed myself early on with upgrade purchases as I encountered a pretty steep progression curve. Not a complaint though.
Again, really fun game.

Hey, loving the game so far, but I'm having technical issues with the Android version. I got a game over, was kicked back to the main menu and attempted to reload a save, but my inputs didn't register for the "load" button, or even the "delete" button. I've even tried third party onscreen mouse apps and they couldn't load my save. How can I fix this? Thanks!

Easily my new favorite ero game. Catherine is amazing. I don't know if you plan to continue with the other girls, but I'm here for it.

All of the other women will eventually join her.

Waiting for tentacle content!  Nice game!


How do i access the gym and tennis court? I have been stuck for a while now. I understand i have to clean the sewers and i already have the shovel, how do i continue???? i have tried everything 


If you've visited all the locations in the sewer then the chud king should contact you about your help. A new icon should appear in the upgrade tree to allow you to start upgrading the sewers.


I did and the chud king talked to me about me.helping cleaning the sewers but that is not happening


Im still stuck idk if its a bug maybe?

I am also stuck in the same location. I have the shovel, I cleaned the debris in  front of the doors, I spoke with the chud king about upgrading things, Ive been in the tentacle/mold room now I cant get back in. I cant find yeast anywhere and it wont let me buy the upgrades from the tree because "The sewers are outside IO's protection.....trying to get handsy." Any ideas on where to go next?

Deleted 88 days ago

Right now.

Cool thx

I'm at the sewers, after fixing the gym, the tennis court and the pool. To the right there's this tentacle chud for future updates. Then if I go left, the dialog about needing a mask appears, but I already gave lots of wallets to the Chud King, passed time with the Chuds after a shift and I still get the mask dialog. How do I advance in the story? Is that all the content for this update? I need to know.

The next area is for a future update.

How do i access the gym and tennis court? I have been stuck for a while now. I understand i have to clean the sewers and i already have the shovel, how do i continue????

I don't know how to unlock the arcade scene, it say to track down the old arcade machine and do the arcade upgrade, which I already did, I even got the scene where Catherine talks with IO about the old arcade machine, but that's all. I also got all the other scenes so that's the only one left.

After you get the arcade in the sewers a new upgrade appears in the upgrade tree.

Nope, I already have all the upgrades available. The other upgrades say "Not available for this version".


Hope you will add a way to go back when you pick an option and also a skip for conversations i just had to restart at day 7 cause I went under drinks and for some reason couldn't make one and then again at day one cause I opened social and couldn't return from that either


is there a walkthrough or wiki for this game?

Hii, I don't know if this has been asked before but I wanted to know if the game will be released on steam by any chance, maybe with an early access feature at some point? I'd love to support you but I don't do Patreon so I was wondering if itch is the only option at the moment

I do plan on that. In the next few months I'll get a "coming soon page" set up. I won't release the game on steam till it's 100% done.

(1 edit)

How do you use the scanner? I've got it in my inventory but it doesn't let me interact with it and I can't seem to find anywhere that allows me to use it.

Edit: Found it via the replies here. I completely missed those shiny bits outside.


Where the gym at??

I need an update of the main line!


Man, the saves just do NOT want to behave themselves.  Last night I got the new version, deleted all my saves, started fresh, saved ONCE before I quit...

and today there are eight saves, NONE of which are mine and some of which load at scenes I have NEVER reached.

Game is wild, bro.  XD


Is anyone else having a problem with opening on mac? For me the game will say it's open but nothing pops up on the screen.

(1 edit) (+1)

Where is the gym? I cant find the gym 😭😭😭 help


You should clean up the rubbish at the entrance of the sewer.


This game is absolutely fantastic, dude continue with this shit please this is fire

When the update dropping

Right now.


How do i go into the sewers


just a criticism about the game mechanics. The game relies heavily on waiting, sometimes running out of things to do, and since you can't spend the day without working, the main mechanics get repetitive, This problem would be easily solved if you cut the days without news, Another thing would be to release masturbation, because waiting to see what day this mechanic will be released is boring and frustrating. In short, my complaint is: Don't make your player wait for new content, artificially stretching the game time makes your game worse, not better.


I dont hv Patreon account ... So, if i make a donation on Itch, should I do the same on Patreon?  I still get the game on the next Patreon release day???

They are completely separate. The donation here on Itch is just for people who want to support the project.


Android version has some pretty mahor oversights. On day 7 I trued to serve a drink, realized I had no energy, but there was no way to back out of the drink selection menu. Since I also couldn't select a drink my only option was to close the game.

This was made even worse by the fact that I could not figure out how to save, so it either isn't possible on the version I played (0.3.4 android) or is very out of the way.


Edit; after looking at the replies here it turns out that to exit out of said menu you tap with two fingers. I recommend adding a tooltip or something for the android version.

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