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Too much sewer water and cough syrup.

They had it coming 😞


Is the full game going to be free?


The full game will not be free. But you can get it here for free on version 0.9.9

Hope everything gonna be fine

I got a bug. After I go to sleep, entering a scene that cyborg ask MC to work topless, my screen gone completely black. I can still move. When I ramdomly moving, I saw "Outside" on the topleft as a indicator that I changed map. I used savefile from 0.3, working fine for a few days, not sure if that's the problem. Should I start over?

Yes, it's a problem using old savefile. Currently no solution other than start a current version savefile. I learned this in the discord server.

Where is behind the brewery?

Usually that means the building behind the bar. It requires a crowbar to get into.


Welp, it's been long enough (last version played being that I might start from the beginning again. Glad to see the game still being worked on!

I deleted this game because i have reached the end how can I play the new version without restarting from the beginning?

On windows it comes with a save. On Android it's not possible. But cheat chicken can help you catch up...


This game NEEDS a guide to getting each cutscene at least


On the mobile version after completing the first waitressing game when i sleep it hust goes dark, the music starts but the screen doesnt load in


Make sure to a new save. I broke something a few updates ago.

how to download update without losing the save?

  1. Extract new ZIP to a new folder
  2. Go to the folder with the old version
  3. Open the www folder
  4. Copy paste the save folder to the new version.
(1 edit)

My save just disappear when i opened the new patch of game

Will the update be today?

I need the update !!!

Deleted 250 days ago

are you sure? I wasnt struggling in the slightest to make ends meet, even without any pick pocketing.


Sounds like a skill issue


Deleted 250 days ago

nah it seems like you're the only one struggling with it. haven't seen any one else complain. maybe just get good

I wish I had a option to skip to day 7


Change the chicken timer to day 6

how horny or lack of attention span were you at that point? you can press ctrl to skip really fast you know that?

I didn't know how to get I get stuck there or soft locked I need to reset or something


Wow, I completely forgot about this game, but I'm kinda glad, got a lot of new content to play through.

Honestly, it's been long enough that I might just play from the beginning, I don't remember too much anyway, and maybe there's some new/changed content as well.


On the android version, how do you get out of shopping menus? Like, the item list part.

Click with both fingers to cancel and to go to the menu.


Think I have a bug. I'm unable to brew anything, even though I have all the raw materials and "units" I need to do so. It just won't click on anything


you have to tap/click on the circles on the picture of the still

kinda curious what are the hidden cameras for? are they gonna be used in a later patch or have i just not found where they go yet?

You mean the one you get from the Chud King? Give it to Alexa's cat in the sewers

ty so much you are my hero i have been wondering that for ages

Great game!

Playing on android, how do I return to main menu when I enter the options?

Double tab


Will any fetishes ever be added? For example, so that those who did not want to see them could turn them off, and those who wanted to see them could leave them on.


The game won't ever be a real "kitchen sink" game of different fetishes. The amount of action will ramp up, but will generally stay on the themes already presented.


do i have to keep restarting my save every time there is an update?


Only some of the updates break the saves. In the future I would like to make it so only the big numbers (0.3, 0.4, 0.5, etc) break the saves. It's hard to re-balance things without breaking old saves.


Okay So I came back to play version 0.3.1 And I gotta say the game keeps adding great content and I'm loving it completely. So I wanted to share maybe some ideas for the dev in case they find anything useful feel free to use some of my idea, after playing for 25h on this new save I have made a bunch of observations.

First and foremost the new game mode is such a nice idea and I'm loving the art and story that goes with it. I would have to say tho, it becomes very very tedious after the first couple of times playing it, you just get into a repetitive process that isn't very fun sadly. And in fact I found that just serving the right drinks and leaving immediately will net you sometimes MORE money than actually trying to improve the mood, pretty sure thats just a code error but it brings to my point; The new gameplay loop for serving tables NEEDS to be improved, not only the rewards (during and after ;)) but the mini game itself needs a revamp to be more interesting and worth doing. Maybe offer a faster paced game where you serve tables in succession or abilities to break up the monotony of just Serve -> Get closerx2 -> Linger -> Leave -> Serve. There's so much potential in the mini game and I can't wait to see what the dev has in store for us.

Outside of that I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see more uses for credits in the game. Like maybe allow players to buy new decoration? Customize the Bar, the Bedroom (Like in Hades). I feel like it would incentivize players to want to play the minigames MORESO, instead of it being a repetitive task it would be a way to earn money to get cool stuff ;) OR maybe new outfits to wear? I know that one might be tough since it would require new art and animations, but just some re-colour options would be cool, maybe in the future more outfits could be possible, would just be nice.

Now those are my main points I feel like I would have appreciated being met after me grinding this game lol

Small QoL changes I would also like seeing:

  1. Give Wallets in bulk, not just one at a time.
  2. Buy ingredients in bulk, not just one at a time.

That's about it, feel free to give your opinions, or say my opinions are bad. I love this game and would love to see more of it :)


Gave this game a shot. I have quite a bit more to go, but it's looking good!

Might be a bug or maybe intended? But when you tend to a table on the last "hour" of your shift it won't let you do any socials

Def a bug, if you click too fast on the drinks menu when serving tables you will add the drink without it showing up on the tray.


Is there a walk-through for this game anywhere? I see references to the things that I can't seem to figure out how to get to. Fantastic game! Thank you!

Dunno where to post bug reports so imma just put it here.

Short summary of it: occasional softlock after initiating the bartending or waitressing minigame. Game transitions to art but doesn't pull up the interaction menus making you stuck on that screen and unable to do anything. 

Unsure but potentially caused by holding down the skip dialogue button? Happens usually when I'm skipping through dialogue, but sometimes I'm not pressing that button and it softlocks anyways so idk.

Every time I try to go to bed after the first waitressing night the game goes to a black screen on Android. I can still double tap the screen to open the menu and music plays but it doesn't advance. Any idea how to fix it besides starting the game completely over and trying again?

Unfortunately the saves from 2 versions ago had an error in them. Use the cheat chicken to speed through content if that helps.

Ah well. It's a fun game so it's not going to be a slog at least

I follow all the Mac instructions and the game still crashes on the opening screen.

So what is the specific TIME of release?


Right now.





What time is the update? that way i can set my alarm for it,, really love this game and where the story is going ^^ top number ONE favorite Bar theme game and Bartender/barmaid character, 

ps. the voice is one i would never forget too as it brings back memories of someone i lost, i know its not her but they are very close. i hope the voice actress or actor (some guys can do a female voice unbelievably good) enjoys their work as much as the girl i know did with lewd stuff too hahah

The next update is tomorrow, i think or it will be in a few nore days

Right now.


This game floored me! Art is fantastic and there's a lot of it, gameplay is engaging and not a hard grind, audio is great (and I wasn't expected any voiced lines so that was a fun surprise), and dialog is well written and legitimately funny. One of the best adult games I've ever played, plus this game gets bonus points for being so in line with me and my interests.

Stumbled across this game on another site and picked it up for free from, but it was that good that I'm back later commenting and subscribing on patreon.

One little thing that was immersion-breaking for me was IO's voice. It's not bad and I loved that he has voiced lines at all, but it's not robotic. Slap a voice filter on there and to me it would make his lines perfect, it'd lean harder into robot/AI fetish tropes.

Excited for the rest of the game!

Thank you very much for the comment. I'm looking into a proper way to present IO's voice going forward which is why it's just the one scene for now.

This game was an absolute masterpiece. Will there be an update? Also, will there be a "work bottomless" option? good luck

(3 edits)

The dev log says public release for next update will be the 12th. Patreon members got it athe end of last month. 

As for the work bottomless, there are hints to answer that question ;). I can't wait for 12th!

I should add that it appears you will have to start a new game when the update hits as it appears the update had backwards compatibility issues this time around. Familiarize yourself with the cheat chicken behind the bar if you haven't already. 

dude... Thanks for noticing me. And that's the best adult game i've ever seen. And is the update on April 12?

(2 edits)

I am not the dev, just another fan of the game. But yeah, if you scroll to the top on this page under the images you can see the next release dates for patreon and non-patreon members respectively. :)

(3 edits)

This game is so awesome. I didn't think I would like it but ended up loving it enough to literally play it nonstop over 12 hours. I can't wait to see the updates. *crosses fingers for scenes with Annica and Amynda*

Also, congrats on being my first ever donation to anything online. After advancing as far as the free public update would let me, I had to toss you some money. I would join your patreon but I never made an account because I do not trust myself to remember to cancel the subscription ever lol 

Keep up the great work! I can see so many ways to make this game even greater and you have already done an exceptional job as is!

*edited for typos*


All the ladies in the story eventually get involved. The mechanics might find themselves working in the lounge... once that opens up.

I think there may be a bug every time i finish the shift at the stripclub part when and where ever i go to sleep the screen goes black and nothing happens

This is a common error with the older saves. I try to keep the saves compatible, but I wasn't able to on that update. If you're on Windows use a new save provided, if not the cheat chicken can help you get back your progress a bit faster.

thank you


This is, unironically, very good. Like it's a simple top down/pixel/whatever game, but the art is nice and the story is actually good. Like I went into it with a positive mindset and I'm pleased with the time I've spent so far. I like the humor, and the worldbuilding is nice. I've only got to day 10 I think (don't want to put spoilers) but it's been really fun playing.

Only suggestion is adding the ability to load a save file while in the game itself (unless I missed it somewhere). It also came packed with some saves, and I didn't see a way to delete them. Just some ideas.

Keep up the awesome work!

If you are on mobile click with both fingers to "right click" or "cancel" to open the menu. From there you can save.

This is my first time playing on android, so I do not know where the saves are. Can you tell me where? And yet, is it possible to transfer saves from the Windows version to Android, and if so, can you tell me how to do it? (I started playing the game on Windows, but I want to continue on android)
In the meantime, I want to say a huge thank you to the developer, the game is incredible

Tapping with 2 fingers is the universal "cancel" button. Hitting cancel on the main map will get you to the menu where you can save. Sadly there is no way to transfer a save from your windows game to android. However, the cheat chicken can help you to move rapidly through the story.

How to save this game bro

If you're on mobile click with both fingers to cancel and to go to menu.

I'm on day 80 and everytime I sleep the screen just turns black???anyone know how to fix this??

Make sure you use a new save on this update.

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